4 Beauty Rules for Winter

The weather is turning cold here in London ridiculously quickly. Winter has definitely arrived! Here are 4 Beauty Rules to help get you through winter… 

Rule 1: Eat Well. 

At this time of year with the weather getting colder, we are all probably very tempted to eat more then usual. The first rule is simple: Eat well. Fill yourself up of Stews, thick soups, warm grains and plenty of vegetables. Eat healthy fats like Salmon, Walnuts and Avocado to put cravings for food to bed. And top up on your vitamin C from fruits like Oranges and Kiwi's. Banana's are a nice healthy snack to munch on during the winter too. Dine well and ditch the junk food. 

Rule 2: Drink lots of fluids. 

Rule 2 is to drink water, preferably with lemon. In winter I like to make hot lemon tea with a drop of honey for the mornings. Its a nice way of waking yourself up on a dark morning and it gets 1 of your 5 a day out of the way! 

Rule 3: Hydrate your skin. 

The Key word here is 'hydrate'. Add more moisture to your skincare regime to keep dry patches away. I suffer from very dry skin during the colder months of the year. Around this time I like to swap my usual moisturiser for a Night Cream, to use during the day. Add a face oil to your skincare and notice the difference it makes to the feel of your skin. Finally, I find a face mist is a very handy on the go tool. Spritz onto your face and feel instantly moisturised. These 3 tricks have helped my skin out loads. 

Rule 4: Nap. 

Its okay to snuggle under a duvet for an hour after work. The days feel so much longer in Winter that I find a nap is harmless. I like to snuggle, sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and happy. 


What are your rules for Winter?
Do tell. 


1 comment:

  1. I love this post because they are rules for general health. I think its important to focus on health. Plus with health beauty comes. I try to do the top 3 all year around. I normally cannot nap, so i will usually just relax and hope to fall asleep if i am tired. Enjoy your day.

    Sarah's Abode -xx


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