5 Resources for your blog

Its been a while since I last blogged, but I am back! I thought I would treat you all to a list of MUST READ resources to help you with your blog. Your welcome… 

1. 'SEO Basics for Bloggers' by TheWonderForest. 

SEO stands for 'Search Engine Optimization' and its up to you as a blogger of how to make the most of the content you write and how to get it noticed by people via google. SEO is how people find your blog and its content but its very much a whole other language. Here is a great way into introducing yourself to SEO. Honestly, this post has been in my bookmarks list for ages! 

2. A stylish Instagram Widget for your blog   -   'Light Widget' 

Light Widget is a new find of mine. Its such a cool way to put Instagram onto your blog. You can alter it to however you please and it gives you plenty of options on how to customise your Instagram display to match your blog. If you scroll to the bottom of my blog post, that was how I managed to add Instagram into my footer. 

3. '5 Tips for using Google Analytics' by BeckyBedBug 

Becky is a blogger who knows her stuff. And she write some absolutely brilliant blog posts to boot. This is a particular blogpost of hers that I have saved in my bookmarks. Its informative and is easy to understand. Becky breaks things right down to help newbies understand exactly how to use google analytics to their advantage. I recommend giving this a read!  

4.  'How to Make Your Own Media Kit' by Amuse Your Bouche  

A Media Kit for your blog gives you the opportunity to showcase yourself to brands and opens you up to more collaborations. Some brands may request to see your 'media kit' before working with you! This is a very informative post on how to put together a professional media kit for your blog. Becca breaks things down easily, so its a great post even for beginners to get stuck into. 

5. 'How to Add Lines to your blog Design' by Bloominrouge 

This blogger gives new bloggers fantastic advice when it comes to your blog. I have learnt SO much from this girl that she literally had to go into this list. You can find an abundance of resources and advice on her blog but I absolutely love this cheat sheet on how to add lines to your blog. Its an effective way of cleaning up and styling your blog! 


Feel free to leave links to your blog resources too. 
I would also love to hear from you! 



  1. Thank you for this post! Very useful for newbies like me!

    1. Thats okay! I am glad this has helped! I wish I had a post like this to read when I was a newbie. It would have helped me out loads! :) Thank you for commenting! <3

  2. Very helpful! I think I need to get started on a media kit, I keep hearing about them and putting it off.

    corrie | corriearnold.co.uk

    1. They are SO easy to put off aren't they? I find that it is handy to have one to hand just in case you need it! Thank you for your comment! I loved hearing from you! :)

  3. thanks for sharing these! im gonna check out lightwidget!

    Abigail Alice 💕

  4. Thanks so much for this informative blog post, I really appreciate posts like this.

    Beckie || The Pale Tails


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